World Ski Championships in Trondheim

Read everything you need to know about transport during the WSC, February 26 – March 9

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Travel card t:card

Use the travelcard t:card on bus, tram, boat and train in Trøndelag. 

Order t:card

Order t:card for free in the mail. You can also buy one for NOK 50 at AtB service center.

Top up t:card

Top up and pay in webshop for t:card or at AtB service center.

Top up and pay in webshop for t:card, at AtB service center or on board in areas not covered by the webshop. As of today you can not top up the card on your mobile phone. This will be possible in a new version of the webshop in the first quarter of 2018.


Make sure you have a valid ticket.

We are upgradring

A new and more user-friendly webshop for t:card is available at atb.no. For a period of time, both the current and the new webshop will be available. You will easily see which one to use based on how you travel, and you use your existing t:card in the new webshop.

Read more about what it means for you.

How to make sure the ticket is valid

Remember that you are responsible for having a valid ticket when you travel.

  • If you have a periodic ticket, it will start on the date you chose when you bought the ticket.
  • If you have a clip card (bus and tram) or auto travel value (boat), you must validate the t:card at each trip so that a ticket is drawn.
  • With open ticketing in the Trondheim area, you do not have to register your t:card when boarding the green city buses and tram in Trondheim.

    Make sure you have a valid ticket

    • If you use periodic ticket on t:card, you must register your t:card when you have a brand new periodic ticket to start it up after the old one has expired.
    • If you use the t:card with auto travel value to buy single tickets, you must register your t:card on each trip so that a ticket is charged. 

    If you are traveling from a metro station, you will find a card reader for registering t:cards at the station. In the metro route, the card must be registered on the card reader before you travel, whether you travel with metro bus or city bus. Outside the metro routes, you register the t:card on the card reader on board at the front entrance.

    Overview of card readers at the bus stop

    See placement of card readers at stops and in the map below.

    Red = stop/station that is getting a card reader
    Green = stop/station that has a card reader

  • If you travel frequently you should have a periodic ticket. Travel as much as you like in the area you have chosen. If you have a periodic ticket in the category youth, child, senior or student, you can also travel by night bus. Student only applies for 30 days.

    Start the ticket when you want

    When you buy a periodic ticket in the web shop, you choose when you want it to start. When you buy a periodic ticket on board a boat it starts immediately.

  • Top up your t:card with travel money to purchase single tickets.

    Traveling in the Trondheim area

    If you are traveling from a metro station, you must have an auto travel to buy a single ticket. Note that you can only buy one ticket. If you are more people traveling together, you must either buy a ticket with AtB Mobillett, SMS or ticket machine.

    Travel efficiently

    If you usually travel in the same zones, you can add an auto travel for the correct zone and passenger category. The ticket will automatically be deducted from the balance in the card when you use it on board. If you do not want the ticket automatically, you must hand the card to the driver or crew and request the ticket you wish to buy (not at metrostations). Once you have an auto travel in your t:card, it is valid for five years before it has to be added again.

    Let others use your card

    You can lend the card to anyone as long as they meet the requirements for the passenger category you have entered in the auto travel. If you want to lend the card to someone in another passenger category, ask the driver or crew to withdraw the ticket they want.

  • Periodic ticket

    With a periodic ticket valid only in zone A or with Youth ticket you can also use the t:card on the local train between Lundamo and Skatval. Show your ticket to the conductor on board at ticket control. 

    If you have a brand new periodic ticket, this must be started by using it on a card reader either on board a bus, at a metro station or at SJ's customer center at Trondheim Central Station. 

    Does your journey start or end in sone A? 

    For example, if you travel by train from Trondheim (zone A) to Levanger (zone C6) and have a period ticket for zone A, you can buy a single ticket via SJ NORD or Entur for the part of the journey that is outside zone A. 

    Does your journey start or end outside sone A? 

    If you are traveling from, for example, Levanger (zone C6) to Trondheim (zone A), you buy a period ticket via SJ NORD or Entur.

    Single ticket

    Punch card on t:card can not be used on train.

    To use a single ticket from AtB in zone A on train, you must buy a ticket in one of the following ways:

    • App AtB Mobillett
    • App AtB
    • SMS-ticket
    • On board a bus or tram
    • AtB customer service, retailers and ticket machines

    Does not apply to dog or bike.


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