Travel guarantee
If your bus is more than 20 minutes late, you may be eligable for a refund.
NOTE: The travel guarantee will not apply during the World Ski Championships from February 26 to March 9.
Should there be any delays or other failures in the public offer, we will:
- Inform you in the best way possible regarding the delay.
- Provide information about alternative modes of transport and routes as early as possible.
- Set up alternative transport if possible.
If we are unable to offer you alternative transport, we will refund documented expenses for taxi, car allowance or other alternative transport if the bus at your departure point is more than:
- 20 minute delaye on trips under 1 hour. We refund up to NOK 550.
- 40 minute delaye on trips between 1 and 3 hours. We refund up to NOK 825.
- 60 minute delaye on trips over 3 hours. We refund up to NOK 1100.
For longer journeys
For travels over three hours, where the delay causes you to not reach the destination until the next day, you will receive actual costs for accommodation. This must be pre-authorized by the company you are going to use or use when the journey is canceled or delayed. If you know that you can get to your destination using other routes you should use it, possibly in addition to a taxi.
Left behind
The travel guarantee also applies if you get left behind due to space shortage on board. This does not apply to if there is no space for a stroller.
Check the timetable
Keep in mind that the departure time according to the timetable is the basis of our travel guarantee, not real time information. Make sure that you are using the correct timetable. There are often custom timetables for Christmas, Easter, holiday days in May and summer.
How to apply for a refund
In order to claim a refund, you must provide a travel guarantee form with receipts (by post or at AtB's service center) within one month after the event.
Travel Guarantee form
- Travel guarantee form for taxi (pdf) (303KB). Remember to admit the original taxi receipt.
- Travel guarantee form for car allowance (pdf) (332KB). Note that AtB only reimburses travel allowance at the state's current rates. Passenger surcharge, toll fee, parking, ferry etc. are not refundable. If there are more passengers in the same vehicle, only drivers may submit an application for reimbursement of driving allowance
- Electronic travel guarantee form. The form is in Norwegian only.
The forms are also available at AtB service center.
The right to compensation will lapse if you provide incorrect information.
We will reply to your inquiry as soon as possible and no later than one month after we have received it.
When does the guarantee apply?
The general rule is that the travel guarantee always applies. If the deviation is announced in advance, or if you knew or should have known, that the deviation was not caused by AtB, we can not offer a refund.
The travel guarantee applies to all AtB bus lines (not the Night bus, Gråkallbanen - tram and ferry).
The travel guarantee applies to single trips and when you transfer with correspondance during a journey. You must allow enough time in addition to the required time if there is no fixed correspondence in the timetable.
When does the guarantee not apply?
The travel guarantee does not apply if the next departure is in 20 minutes or less according to the timetable.
The travel guarantee does not apply if the delay or setting is due to circumstances beyond our/carrier's control, such as:
- Public injunctions and prohibitions, strikes etc.
- Natural disasters.
- Extraordinary weather conditions (eg heavy snowfall, flood or exceptionally slippery road).
- Roadworks or unforeseen traffic related matters.
- Major events or other traffic conditions that affect public transport to a large extent.
The travel guarantee does not include indirect losses caused by the delay or cancellation, for instance that you arrive late to your dentist appointment, a business meeting, or flight.
Also note that we do not refund taxi or driving allowance to foreign accounts.
The travel guarantee is a national scheme asopted by the Public Transport Association and Transportbedrifteres Landsforening.