World Ski Championships in Trondheim

Read everything you need to know about transport during the WSC, February 26 – March 9

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t:card on train

Periodic ticket

With a periodic ticket valid only in zone A or with Youth ticket you can also use the t:card on the local train between Lundamo and Skatval. Show your ticket to the conductor on board at ticket control. 

If you have a brand new periodic ticket, this must be started by using it on a card reader either on board a bus, at a metro station or at SJ's customer center at Trondheim Central Station. 

Does your journey start or end in sone A? 

For example, if you travel by train from Trondheim (zone A) to Levanger (zone C6) and have a period ticket for zone A, you can buy a single ticket via SJ NORD or Entur for the part of the journey that is outside zone A. 

Does your journey start or end outside sone A? 

If you are traveling from, for example, Levanger (zone C6) to Trondheim (zone A), you buy a period ticket via SJ NORD or Entur.

Single ticket

Punch card on t:card can not be used on train.

To use a single ticket from AtB in zone A on train, you must buy a ticket in one of the following ways:

  • App AtB Mobillett
  • App AtB
  • SMS-ticket
  • On board a bus or tram
  • AtB customer service, retailers and ticket machines

Does not apply to dog or bike.