Hooray - now you are a child a little longer!

From Monday October 4th, the age limit on the children's ticket will be extended throughout Trøndelag. Travel climate friendly for a low price longer.

The age limit on the children's ticket in the whole of Trøndelag will be extended from October 4th. From then on, you pay for a child ticket from the age of 6 up to and including 19 years.

Children under 6 years old travel for free.

When do you have to buy an adult ticket and a student ticket?

From the age of 20, you are no longer in the children's ticket category. It is your responsibility to change the ticket when you have become 20 years old.

The adult ticket category is valid from 20 years up to and including 66 years.

The ticket category student is valid from 20 years up to and including 34 years (remember student ID).

What means of transport does it apply to?

Extension of the age limit applies to buses, trams, flexible transport and speedboats throughout the county.

On trains, this applies to the municipalities that are part of the Urban Growth Agreement - zone A, Trondheim, Melhus, Malvik and Stjørdal.

What type of ticket is it for?

Extension of the age limit applies to all ticket types - single tickets and period tickets.

Ticket category youth

Single ticket youth is replaced with a child ticket from October 4th as the age limit for the child ticket applies up to and including 19 years.

Period ticket youth (youth ticket) for 30 days passes

It applies from 16 years up to and including 19 years, in addition to you under 16 years of age who can document that you go to upper secondary school.

With Ungdomsbilletten you can travel as much as you want with the same ticket throughout Trøndelag by bus, tram and speedboat in addition to trains in zone A and on Nattbuss.

Family discount bus

On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, with the exception of May 17th, you can with any ticket in the categories, adult, senior and student, have up to four children (up to and including 17 years) free travel by bus or tram in one zone. To take advantage of the family discount, you must have a valid adult, honorary or student ticket and be over 20 years (from 20 years and older).

Family discount boat

Family discount applies when one or two adults who are registered partners, cohabitants or spouses travel with their own children, t.o.m. 19 years. You pay one full price adult and get a 50% discount on the remaining tickets. This applies to all days, and does not provide a transfer to the bus. The ticket is purchased by the ticket agent on board.

Do you have any questions?

Here we have collected frequently asked questions and answers.

  • Rabattordningen Familiehelg og familierabatt båt fortsetter:


    På lørdager, søndager og helligdager, med unntak av 17. mai, kan du med hvilken som helst billett i kategoriene, voksen, honnør og student, ha med inntil fire barn (til og med 17 år) gratis reise med buss eller trikk i én sone. For å benytte deg av familierabatten, må du ha en gyldig voksen-, honnør- eller studentbillett og være over 20 år (f. o.m. 20 år og eldre).

    Familierabatt båt

    Familierabatt gjelder når en eller to voksne som er registrert partner, samboer eller ektefelle reiser med egne barn som er mellom 6- og 20 år. Du betaler én fullpris voksen og får 50 % rabatt på de resterende billettene. Dette gjelder alle dager, og gir ikke overgang til buss. Billetten kjøpes av billettør om bord.

  • Enkeltbillett for ungdom ble tidligere fjernet i og med at aldersgrensen for barnebilletten gjelder t.o.m. 19 år.

    Ungdomsbilletten for 30 dager fortsetter. Ungdomsbilletten for 30 dager gjelder reiser i hele Trøndelag  og passer deg som er fylt 16 år til og med 19 år. I tillegg gjelder det deg som er 15 år og som kan dokumentere at du går på videregående skole.

    Ungdomsbilletten for 30 dager, gjelder for reiser med buss, trikk og båt (ikke ferge). Du kan også bruke billetten på tog i sone A og på nattbuss.

  • Barnebilletten vil, fra 4. oktober, øke fra 16 år t.o.m. 19 år. Det vil si, at du kan betale barnebillett fra og med 6 år til og med 19 år. Barn under 6 år reiser gratis. Dette gjelder i hele Trøndelag.


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