The AtB app

Buy tickets, plan your trip and find departures in real time with the AtB app.

With the AtB app you can buy tickets to travel with:

  • Bus and tram
  • Train (zone A)
  • Night bus and night tram
  • Flexible transport  
  • Boat (new from 10.10.2023)

Tickets for ferry and youth tickets will also be available in the app. In the meantime, you buy these tickets in the AtB Mobillett app.

Download the app

Google Play storeApp store   

Find trip

Search by address, stop, position or select location on map.


With the AtB app, you have a full overview of the entire journey.

  • Get an overview of the entire journey from exactly where you are, to exactly where you are going.

    1. Search from address to address, select location on map or use "my location" or saved favorite places.
    2. Use the filter to decide which means of transport you want to travel with.
    3. Click on details to see the entire journey from start to finish.
    4. Click on the map to see the entire journey in the map.
  • Under Departures, you get an overview of the next departures from a stop in real time.

    1. Go to Departures.
    2. Use "My Location" to find stops near you.
    3. Select a stop to see departures.
    4. Tap on the bus line to see more details and the last stop passed in real time.

    There are two versions of Departures. Go to My Profile to select the other version.

  • Save the places you frequently travel to or from as favourites. It will make travel searches even easier in the app.

    Add favorite place

    1. Tap Add Favorite Place.
    2. Search for a place you often frequently to or from.
    3. Give the place a name and possibly an icon for easier distinction between several favorite places.

    Do you want to edit or delete favorite places?

    1. Go to My Profile.
    2. Scroll down to Favorites and tap Places.
    3. Tap the pencil icon to edit each favorite location.
  • If you frequently travel from the same stop and with the same bus line, you can save this information as a favorite departure. With favorite departures visible on the app's front page, you can quickly see when the next bus departs from your stop.

    Add favorite departure

    1. Press Add favorite departures.
    2. Search for the stop you travel from most frequently.
    3. Press the star to make the departure a favourite.
    4. Go back to the app's front page (travel search) and tap Select favorite departures to decide which departures should be visible on the front page.

    Do you want to delete a favorite departure?

    1. Press Select favorite departures.
    2. Tap Edit favorite departures.
    3. Tap the icon of a trash can at the departure you wish to delete.
  • Use the map to find the nearest stop, walking distance to the stop and departures to and from the stop.

    1. Go to Maps.
    2. Use "My location" or navigate your way through the map.
    3. Touch the bus, tram, train, boat or ferry icon to see departures from the stop. You also get to see the walking distance to the stop.
    4. Choose to use the stop in a travel search by pressing Travel from or Travel to.
  • With the AtB app you can buy a ticket for travel by bus, tram, train (zone A), on-demand transport and boat.

    You can choose whether the ticket should start immediately or enter a later start time.

    Tickets for travel by bus and tram:

    • Single ticket
    • 24-hour ticket for one zone
    • 7, 30, 60, 90 and 180 day tickets. 7-day ticket is not available for students. With a period ticket in the child, honorary or student passenger category, you can also travel by night bus and night tram.
    • Night ticket for night bus and tram

    Tickets for travel by passenger boat:

    • Single ticket
    • 7, 30, 60, 90 and 180 day tickets

    Pay with Vipps or payment card.

    More tickets to come
    Eventually you can buy all tickets in the AtB app. Until they are in place, you buy tickets for ferry and youth ticket in the app AtB Mobillett.

  • In My profile you will find settings for the app and your user profile.

    • Information relating to your profile, customer number, payment methods and ticket history.
    • Settings for appearance in the app, choice of start page and language. Choose between Norwegian or English, or let it follow the phone's settings.
    • Try out new functionality that is under testing (Beta) and give your feedback in the app's chat.
    • Edit favorite places and favorite departures.
    • See privacy, conditions and ticket prices.

Always under development

The development of the app continues and we will make improvements based on customer feedback. Submit your feedback in the app's own chat.

We will continue to work with:

  • Youth ticket in the AtB app
  • Ticket guide
  • Sharing mobility
  • Deviation information
  • Info about capacity on bus
  • Sharing travel search
  • Widgets til Android

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