The public transport in Trøndelag is set up with correspondence between different routes. This applies between different bus routes and between bus and boat routes.
For AtB's routes correspondences are marked in the timetables and the travelplanner.
Upon boarding, please notify the driver that you will continue your trip with another route. That allows the driver to coordinate in case of any delays that may occur during your trip.
Marking of correspondence on the routes
Routes that correspondence with another bus or boat route are marked with letter codes in the timetable. The letter codes are explained under each table: A, B, C, D, etc.
Guidelines for scheduled correspondence
Applies to marked timetables for bus and boat routes organized by AtB.
The main rule is that there is a minimum of 5 minutes transition time between corresponding routes. Applies to both bus-bus and bus-boat.
- If the corresponding route has to depart before you are able to make the correspondance, alternative transport will be provided. This applies to routes and departures that are marked with correspondence in the timetable.
- The operator of the route will arrange for transport to the end of the route, either by bus or taxi. Some delays may occur.
- The driver must ask if there are passengers travelling with corresponding routes if the route is delayed.
- Passengers who are travelling with corresponding routes must notify the driver.