Travelling to and from Trondheim Airport

You can travel by public transport with both bus and train.

Bus with AtB

AtB's buses stop at Trondheim lufthavn, the bus stop is situated along the road leading to the airport. It is about a four-minute walk from the bus stop to the terminal via the parking garage. Buses serve this stop in both directions, travelling to and from Trondheim with lines 70, 311, and 430. Line 430 also connects Værnes to Selbu, and Tydal, while line 670 is to/from Meråker. For a comprehensive overview of bus lines, refer to our schedule.

Note: AtB's buses have limited luggage space. For travelers with luggage between Værnes and Trondheim, we recommend using the train or Værnesekspressen.

Værnesekspressen the airport bus

Værnesekspressen provides transportation between Trondheim and Værnes, irrespective of your flight. Tickets must be purchased through their app or onboard, as AtB tickets are not valid. There's no direct transfer between the airport bus and AtB's buses.

Train with SJ

SJ's trains offer another option between Trondheim and Værnes. You can purchase tickets for trains within Zone A from AtB, which includes a transfer to a bus in the same zone, applicable to both single and period tickets.

Use the travel planner to plan your trip

  • Travel planner

You can also find departures and real time in the AtB app.